Publications of Miroslav Vacura

All: 1
  1. Vacura, M., Pragmatizace logické analýzy jazyka. Od analytické k postanalytické filosofii ve 20. století [Pragmatization of logical analysis of language. From analytic to postanalytic philosophy in 20th century.], Praha: Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2017. [bibtex]
  2. Vacura, M., aj., , Přehled dějin novověké filosofie. Perspicibilis historia philosophiae II. [An Outline of History of Modern Philosophy], Praha: Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2013 (Další autoři: Hemelík, M., Krist, J., Vlček, M.). [bibtex]
Edited monographs
  1. Vacura, M., Ed., , Beyond the State and the Citizen, Prague: Prague University of Economics and Business, Oeconomica Publishing House, 2020. [bibtex] [doi]
Monographs (contribution)
  1. Vacura, M., "James Harrington: Velkolepá agrární republika [James Harrington: The Magnificent Agrarian Republic]", In Kučera, R., Chotaš, J., Eds., Politické myšlení raného novověku. Dějiny politického myšlení III/1, Praha: Filosofický ústav AV ČR, OIKOYMENH, 2022, pp. 263-287. [bibtex]
  2. Vacura, M., "David Hume: civilizovanost a barbarství [David Hume: Civilization and Barbarism]", In Kučera, R., Chotaš, J., Eds., Politické směry a myslitelé 19. století. Dějiny politického myšlení III/2, Praha: Filosofický ústav AV ČR, OIKOYMENH, 2022, pp. 50-81. [bibtex]
  3. Vacura, M., "Klasické utopie [Classical Utopias]", In Kučera, R., Chotaš, J., Eds., Politické myšlení raného novověku. Dějiny politického myšlení III/1, Praha: Filosofický ústav AV ČR, OIKOYMENH, 2022, pp. 54-102. [bibtex]
  4. Svátek, V., Kľuka, J., Vacura, M., Homola, M., Dudáš, M., "Patterns for Referring to Multiple Indirectly Specified Objects (MISO): Analysis and Guidelines", In Blomqvist, E., Ed., Advances in Pattern-Based Ontology Engineering, Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press, 2021, pp. 1-24. [bibtex] [doi]
  5. Vacura, M., "Theory of Pride in Mandeville’s Philosophy", In Vacura, M., Ed., Beyond the State and the Citizen, Prague: Prague University of Economics and Business, Oeconomica Publishing House, 2020, pp. 276. [bibtex] [doi]
  6. Vacura, M., "Preface", In Vacura, M., Ed., Beyond the State and the Citizen, Prague: Prague University of Economics and Business, Oeconomica Publishing House, 2020, pp. 276. [bibtex] [doi]
  7. Vacura, M., "Marcus Tullius Cicero", In Vlček, M., Ed., Dějiny a společnost. K některým antickým, středověkým a novověkým pojetím filosofie společnosti a dějin, Praha: Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2017, pp. 40–44. [bibtex]
  8. Vacura, M., "Přirozenost a dobro [The Natural and the Good]", In Vlček, M., Ed., Dějiny a společnost. K některým antickým, středověkým a novověkým pojetím filosofie společnosti a dějin, Praha: Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2017, pp. 24–30. [bibtex]
  9. Tsatsou, D., Mancas, M., Kuchař, J., Nixon, L., Vacura, M., Leroy, J., Rocca, F., Mezaris, V., "When TV Meets the Web: Towards Personalised Digital Media", In Spyrou, E., Iakovidis, D., Mylonas, P., Eds., Semantic Multimedia Analysis and Processing, Boca Raton, FL, USA: CRC Press, 2014. [bibtex]
  10. Vacura, M., "Analytická filosofie [Analytic Philosophy]", In Vlček, M., Ed., Přehled dějin poklasické a současné filosofie. Perspicibilis historia philosophiae III. [An Overview of the History of Post-Classical and Contemporary Philosophy], Praha: Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2014, pp. 284-333. [bibtex]
  11. Vacura, M., "Fenomenologie po Husserlovi [Phenomenology after Husserl]", In Vlček, M., Ed., Přehled dějin poklasické a současné filosofie. Perspicibilis historia philosophiae III. [An Overview of the History of Post-Classical and Contemporary Philosophy], Praha: Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2014, pp. 278-283. [bibtex]
  12. Vacura, M., "Postmoderní filosofie [Postmodern philosophy]", In Vlček, M., Ed., Přehled dějin poklasické a současné filosofie. Perspicibilis historia philosophiae III. [An Overview of the History of Post-Classical and Contemporary Philosophy], Praha: Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2014, pp. 341-361. [bibtex]
  13. Vacura, M., "Strukturalismus [Structuralism]", In Vlček, M., Ed., Přehled dějin poklasické a současné filosofie. Perspicibilis historia philosophiae III. [An Overview of the History of Post-Classical and Contemporary Philosophy], Praha: Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2014, pp. 338-340. [bibtex]
  14. Svátek, V., Vacura, M., "Ontologické inženýrství na sémantickém webu [Ontology Engineering on the Semantic Web]", In Mařík, V., Štěpánková, O., Lažanský, J., Eds., Umělá inteligence 6., Praha: ACADEMIA, 2013. [bibtex]
  15. Franz, T., Troncy, R. and Vacura, M., "The Core Ontology for Multimedia", In Troncy, R., Huet, B., Schenk, S., Eds., Multimedia Semantics: Metadata, Analysis and Interaction, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2011, pp. 145-161. [bibtex] [doi]
  16. Vacura, M., "Problém jednání [The Problem of Action]", In Fischer, O., Ed., Úvod do filosofie pro pomáhající profese, Praha: Jabok, 2008, pp. 57–71. [bibtex]
Articles in reviewed journals (Web of Science / SCOPUS)
  1. Svátek, V., Zamazal, O., Nguyen, V., Ivánek, J., Kľuka, J., Vacura, M., "Focused categorization power of ontologies: General framework and study on simple existential concept expressions", Semantic Web, vol. 14, no. 6, 2023, pp. 1209–1253 (IF 2021 3.105). [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
  2. Vacura, M., "Spravedlnost dekonstrukce, dekonstrukce spravedlnosti. K Derridově koncepci spravedlnosti [Justice of Deconstruction, Deconstruction of Justice. On Derrida’s Concept of Justice]", Právněhistorické studie, vol. 53, no. 3, 2023, pp. 193–202. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
  3. Vacura, M., "Three concepts of natural law", Philosophy and Society, vol. 33, no. 3, 2022. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
  4. Vacura, M., "Longino's Concept of Values in Science", Teorie vědy / Theory of Science, vol. 43, no. 1, 2021, pp. 3-31. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
  5. Vacura, M., "Modeling artificial agents’ actions in context – a deontic cognitive event ontology", Applied Ontology, vol. 16, no. 4, 2020 (IF 2020 1.115). [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
  6. Vacura, M., "Emergence of the Post-truth Situation—Its Sources and Contexts", Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin, vol. 9, no. 13, 2020. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
  7. Homola, M., Kľuka, J., Hozzová, P., Svátek, V., Vacura, M., "Towards Higher-order OWL", KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, vol. 34, no. 3, 2020. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
  8. Vacura, M., "The One and Differentiating Principles of Hypostases in Plotinus’ Metaphysics", Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy, vol. 21, no. 2, 2020, pp. 201-222. [bibtex] [pdf]
  9. Vacura, M., "Problém založení a legitimizace lidských práv [The Problem of Foundation and Legitimization of Human Rights]", Filozofia, vol. 75, no. 7, 2020. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
  10. Vacura, M., "Carnapova logická syntax jazyka a problém kategoriální chyby [Carnap’s Logical Syntax of Language and the Problem of Category-Mistake]", Filosofický časopis, vol. 67, no. 1, 2019, pp. 69-88. [bibtex] [pdf]
  11. Vacura, M., "Lacey's Concept of Value-Free Science", Teorie vědy / Theory of Science, vol. 40, no. 2, 2018, pp. 211-229. [bibtex] [pdf]
  12. Vacura, M., "Pojem svobody u Thomase Hobbese [The Concept of Freedom in Thomas Hobbes]", Filosofický časopis, vol. 65, no. 3, 2017, pp. 385-401. [bibtex] [pdf]
  13. Vacura, M., Svátek, V. and Gangemi, A., "An ontological investigation over human relations in linked data", Applied Ontology, vol. 11, no. 3, 2016, pp. 227-254 (IF 2016 1.296). [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
  14. Vacura, M., "Problém přechodu od teoretické sféry k praktické v "Kritice soudnosti". [The problem of the passage from the theoretical sphere to the practical in "The Critique of Judgement"]", Filosofický časopis, vol. 63, no. 1, 2015, pp. 3-16. [bibtex] [pdf]
  15. Vacura, M., "Analytický tomismus Krakovského kruhu [The analytical Thomism of the Cracow circle]", Filosofický časopis, vol. 59, no. 5, 2011, pp. 689-705. [bibtex] [pdf]
  16. Svátek, V., Vacura, M., Labsky, M., Ten Teije, A., "Modelling web service composition for deductive web mining", Computing and Informatics, vol. 26, no. 3, 2007, pp. 255-279 (IF 2007 0.349). [bibtex] [pdf]
Articles in reviewed journals (ERIH+ / RIV)
  1. Vacura, M., "Otázka diferenciace a klasifikace násilí v současném filosoficko-politickém myšlení [The question of differentiating and classifying violence in contemporary philosophical and political thought]", Ergot, vol. 5, no. 2, 2021, pp. 35-46. [bibtex]
  2. Vacura, M., "Objektivistická etika Ayn Randové [The objectivist ethics of Ayn Rand]", Filosofie dnes, vol. 13, no. 2, 2021, pp. 119–150. [bibtex] [doi]
  3. Vacura, M., "Sellarsova koncepce zjevného a vědeckého obrazu [Sellars' Concept of Manifest and Scientific Image]", E-logos – Electronic Journal for Philosophy, vol. 22, no. 2, 2015. [bibtex]
  4. Vacura, M., "Základní struktura Plótínovy metafyziky [The Fundamental Structure of Plotinus' Metaphysics]", E-logos – Electronic Journal for Philosophy, vol. 19, no. 10, 2013. [bibtex]
  5. Vacura, M., "Ethical Aspects of Centralization of Internet Search Services", Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology, vol. 5, no. 2, 2011. [bibtex]
  6. Vacura, M., "Přirozený zákon ve filosofii 20. století a jeho zdroje [The Natural Law in Philosophy of XX. Century and its Sources]", E-logos – Electronic Journal for Philosophy, vol. 17, no. 23, 2011. [bibtex]
  7. Vacura, M., "Etika Francise Hutchesona [Ethics of Francis Hutcheson]", E-logos – Electronic Journal for Philosophy, vol. 16, no. 15, 2010. [bibtex]
  8. Vacura, M., "Systém kategorií u Aristotela [The Aristotle's System of Categories]", E-logos – Electronic Journal for Philosophy, vol. 15, no. 20, 2009. [bibtex]
  9. Vacura, M., "Logika Johna Stuarta Milla [Logics of John Stuart Mill]", Acta Oeconomica Pragensia, vol. 15, no. 5, 2007. [bibtex]
  10. Vacura, M., "Základní koncepty Aristotelovy a Kantovy etiky [The Elementary Concepts of Aristotle's and Kant's Ethics]", E-logos – Electronic Journal for Philosophy, vol. 9, 2002. [bibtex]
Contributions to international conference proceedings (Web of Science / Thomson Reuters CPCI)
  1. Hanzal, T., Svátek, V. and Vacura, M., "Event Categories on the Semantic Web and Their Relationship/Object Distinction", In Ferrario, R., Kuhn, W., Eds., Formal Ontology in Information Systems - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference, FOIS 2016, Annecy, France, July 6-9, 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press, pp. 183–196. [bibtex] [doi]
  2. Svátek, V., Zamazal, O. and Vacura, M., "Categorization Power of Ontologies with Respect to Focus Classes", In Blomqvist, E., Ciancarini, P., Poggi, F., Vitali, F., Eds., Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: 20th International Conference, EKAW 2016, Bologna, Italy, November 19-23, 2016, Proceedings, Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 636–650. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
  3. Vacura, M., "The History of Computer Ethics and its Future Challenges", Information Technology and Society Interaction and Interdependence. Proceedings of 23rd Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks (IDIMT 2015), Sep 9-11, 2015, Poděbrady, Czech Republic, Linz: Trauner Verlag Universitat, pp. 325-333. [bibtex] [pdf]
  4. Vacura, M., "Ethical and Social Aspects of Internet Search in Historical Perspective", Information Technology Human Values, Innovation and Economy. Proceedings of 21st Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks (IDIMT 2013), Sep 11-13, 2013, Prague, CzechRepublic, Linz: Trauner Verlag Universitat, pp. 281-288. [bibtex] [pdf]
  5. Vacura, M., Svátek, V., "Ontology Based Tracking and Propagation of Provenance Metadata", In Zavoral, F., Yaghob, J., Pichappan, P., ElQawasmeh, E., Eds., Networked Digital Technologies, Pt 1. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies, NDT 2010, Jul 07-09, 2010, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 489-496. [bibtex] [doi]
  6. Vacura, M., Svátek, V. and Smrz, P., "A Pattern-Based Framework for Uncertainty Representation in Ontologies", In Sojka, P., Horak, A., Kopecek, I., Pala, K., Eds., Text, Speech and Dialogue, Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2008), Sep 08-12, 2008, Brno, Czech Republic, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 227-234. [bibtex] [doi]
  7. Vacura, M., Svátek, V., Saathoff, C., Franz, T., Troncy, R., "Describing Low-level Image Features Using the COMM Ontology", 15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2008), Oct 12-15, 2008, San Diego, CA, Vols 1-5, pp. 49-52. [bibtex] [doi]
  8. Arndt, R., Troncy, R., Staab, S., Hardman, L., Vacura, M., "COMM: Designing a well-founded multimedia ontology for the web", In Aberer, K., Choi, K. S., Noy, N., Allemang, D., Lee, K. I., Nixon, L., Golbeck, J., Mika, P., Maynard, D., Mizoguchi, R., Schreiber, G., CudreMauroux, P., Eds., Semantic Web. Proceedings of 6th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2007), Nov. 11.-15. 2007, Busan, South Corea, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 30-43. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
  9. Svátek, V., Labsky, M. and Vacura, M., "Knowledge modelling for deductive web mining", In Motta, E., Shadbolt, N., Stutt, A., Gibbins, N., Eds., Engineering Knowledge in the Age of the Semantic Web, Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Oct 05-08, 2004, Whittlebury, England, pp. 337-353. [bibtex]
  10. Svátek, V., Kosek, J., Labsky, M., Braza, J., Kavalec, M., Vacura, M., Vavra, V., Snasel, V., "Rainbow - Multiway semantic analysis of websites", Proceedings of 14th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2003), Prague 01.09.2003 – 05.09.2003., Los Alamitos: IEEE, pp. 635-639. [bibtex] [doi]
Contributions to international conference proceedings (Scopus)
  1. Svátek, V., Kl'uka, J., Vacura, M., Homola, M., Dudáš, M., "Patterns for Referring to Multiple Indirectly Specified Objects (MISO): Analysis and Guidelines", In Hayn D., S. G., Ed., Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 15th Annual Conference on Health Informatics meets Digital Health (dHealth 2021), IOS Press BV, pp. 1-24. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
  2. Vacura, M., "Privacy and linked data on the internet - What to annotate and how?", IDIMT 2021 - Pandemics: Impacts, Strategies and Responses, 29th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks, Linz: Trauner Verlag Universitat, pp. 351-358. [bibtex] [pdf]
  3. Vacura, M., "Towards New Ways of Modeling Deontic Concepts in Ontologies", In Barton, A., Seppälä, S., Porello, D., Hedblom, M. M., Kutz, O., Righetti, G., Porello, D., Masolo, C., Eds., Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops 2019, Episode V: The Styrian Autumn of Ontology, Aachen, Germany: [bibtex]
  4. Vacura, M., Svátek, V., "Towards a Deontic Cognitive Event Ontology", In Kutz, O., Cesare, S. d., Hedblom, M. M., Besold, T. R., Veale, T., Gailly, F., Guizzardi, G., Lycett, M., Partridge, C., Pastor, O., Grüninger, M., Neuhaus, F., Mossakowski, T., Borgo, S., Bozzato, L., Vescovo, C. D., Homola, M., Loebe, F., Barton, A., Bourguet, J., Eds., Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops 2016 Episode 2: The French Summer of Ontology co-located with the 9th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2016), Annecy, France, July 6-9, 2016., Aachen, Germany: [bibtex]
  5. Dudáš, M., Svátek, V., Vacura, M., Zamazal, O., "Starting ontology development by visually modeling an example situation - A user study", In Ivanova, V., Lambrix, P., Lohmann, S., Pesquita, C., Eds., Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Visualization and Interaction for Ontologies and Linked Data (VOILA 2016) co-located with the 15th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2016), Aachen, Germany:, pp. 114-119. [bibtex]
  6. Homola, M., Kluka, J., Svátek, V., Vacura, M., "Typed Higher-Order Variant of SROIQ - Why Not?", In Bienvenu, M., Ortiz, M., Rosati, R., Simkus, M., Eds., Informal Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics, Vienna, Austria, July 17-20, 2014.,, pp. 567–578. [bibtex]
  7. Svátek, V., Serra, S., Vacura, M., Homola, M., Kl'uka, J., "B-Annot: Supplying background model annotations for ontology coherence testing", Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Debugging Ontologies and Ontology Mappings, WoDOOM 2014; Anissaras/Hersonissou; Greece; 26 May 2014, pp. 59-66. [bibtex]
  8. Svátek, V., Homola, M., Kluka, J., Vacura, M., "Metamodeling-Based Coherence Checking of OWL Vocabulary Background Models", In Rodriguez-Muro, M., Jupp, S., Srinivas, K., Eds., Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on OWL: Experiences and Directions (OWLED 2013) co-located with 10th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2013), Montpellier, France, May 26-27, 2013., [bibtex]
  9. Homola, M., Kl'uka, J., Svátek, V., Vacura, M., "Towards typed higher-order description logics", Proceedings of 26th International Workshop on Description Logics, DL 2013; Ulm; Germany; 23-26. July 2013, pp. 221-233. [bibtex]
  10. Svátek, V., Vacura, M., Homola, M., Kl'uka, J., "Mapping structural design patterns in OWL to ontological background models", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Knowledge Capture: "Knowledge Capture in the Age of Massive Web Data", K-CAP 2013. [bibtex] [doi]
  11. Tsatsou, D., Nixon, L., Mancas, M., Vacura, M., Klein, R., Leroy, J., Kuchař, J., Kliegr, T., Kober, M., Loli, M., Mezaris, V., "Contextualised user profiling in networked media environments", Proceedings of 20th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization, UMAP 2012; Montreal, QC; Canada; 16. - 20. July 2012. [bibtex]
  12. Svátek, V., Šváb-Zamazal, O. and Vacura, M., "Adapting ontologies to content patterns using transformation patterns", Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Ontology Patterns, WOP 2010 - Workshop at the 9th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2010; Shanghai; China; 8 November 2010 through 8 November 2010, pp. 19-33. [bibtex]
  13. Vacura, M., Svátek, V., "Ontological analysis of human relations for semantically consistent transformations of FOAF data", Proceedings of 1st Workshop on Knowledge Injection into and Extraction from Linked Data, KIELD 2010; Lisbon; Portugal; 15 October 2010, pp. 15-27. [bibtex]
  14. Vacura, M., Svátek, V., "Ontology of ontology patterns as linked data integration tool", Proceedings of 1st Workshop on Knowledge Injection into and Extraction from Linked Data, KIELD 2010; Lisbon; Portugal; 15 October 2010, pp. 64-65. [bibtex]
  15. Svátek, V., Vacura, M., Ralbovský, M., Šváb-Zamazal, O., Parsia, B., "OWL support for (some) non-deductive scenarios of ontology usage", Proceedings of 5th Workshop on OWL: Experiences and Directions, OWLED 2008 - Collocated with the 7th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2008; Karlsruhe; Germany; 26. - 27. October 2008, 2009. [bibtex]
  16. Vacura, M., Svátek, V., Smrz, P., Simou, N., "A pattern-based framework for representation of uncertainty in ontologies", Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web, URSW 2007 - Held in Conjunction with the 6th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2007; Busan; South Korea; 12 November 2007. [bibtex]
  17. Smrž, P., Vacura, M. and Šváb, O., "Uncertainty extensions to ontologies as a tool for semantic interpretation in audiovisual systems", Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies, SAMT 2006; Athens; Greece; 6.-8. December 2006, pp. 27-28. [bibtex]
  18. Labský, M., Vacura, M. and Praks, P., "Web image classification for information extraction", Proceedings of International Workshop on Representation and Analysis of Web Space, RAWS 2005; Tocna; Czech Republic; 14 September 2005 through 16 September 2005, pp. 55-62. [bibtex]
  19. Svátek, V., Vacura, M., "Automatic composition of Web analysis tools: Simulation on classification templates", Proceedings of International Workshop on Representation and Analysis of Web Space, RAWS 2005; Tocna; Czech Republic; 14. - 16. September 2005, pp. 78-84. [bibtex]
Contributions to international conference proceedings
  1. Vacura, M., "The Problem of the Will in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus", In Pichler, A., Heinrich-Ramharter, E., Stadler, F., Eds., 100 Years of Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus — 70 Years after Wittgenstein's Death. A Critical Assessment. Contributions of the 44th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, August 6-12, 2023, Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society (ALWS), pp. 598–605. [bibtex]
  2. Vacura, M., "Neurophilosophical Perspectives on Wittgenstein’s Puzzles of the Will", In Hrachovec, H., Mácha, J., Eds., Platonism. Contributions of the 43th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, August 7-13, 2022, Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society (ALWS), pp. 180–182. [bibtex] [pdf]
  3. Vacura, M., "Wittgenstein and Stoic Fatalism", In Siegetsleitner, A., Oberprantacher, A., Frick, M., Eds., Crisis and Critique. Contributions of the 42th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, August 4-10, 2019, Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society (ALWS), pp. 253–255. [bibtex] [pdf]
  4. Vacura, M., "Wittgenstein and the Problem of Will in Philosophical Investigations", In Mras, G. M., Weingartner, P., Ritter, B., Eds., The Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics. Contributions of the 41th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, August 5-11, 2018, Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society (ALWS), pp. 261–263. [bibtex] [pdf]
  5. Svátek, V., Kľuka, J., Vacura, M., Homola, M., "Pattern Alternatives for Referring to Multiple Indirectly Specified Objects", In Blomqvist, E., Corcho, O., Horridge, M., Carral, D., Hoekstra, R., Eds., Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns (WOP 2017), Aachen, Germany: [bibtex]
  6. Vacura, M., "Young Wittgenstein’s Account of the Will, Action and Expectation", In Limbeck-Lilienau, C., Stadler, F., Eds., The Philosophy of Perception and Observation. Contributions of the 40th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, August 6-12, 2017, Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society (ALWS), pp. 262–264. [bibtex] [pdf]
  7. Svátek, V., Zamazal, O. and Vacura, M., "Fokusovaná kategorizační síla webových ontologií", Data a znalosti 2017. Plzeň 05.10.2017 – 06.10.2017, Plzeň: ZU Plzeň, pp. 146–150. [bibtex]
  8. Čertický, M., Homola, M., Kluka, J., Serra, S., Svátek, V., Šimko, A., Vacura, M., Zamazal, O., "LAAOS: Logical Aspects of Adaptable Ontological Schemas (Project Overview)", Znalosti 2014. Jasná pod Chopkom, 26.09.2014 – 27.09.2014, Praha: Oeconomica, pp. 58-61. [bibtex]
  9. Svátek, V., Zamazal, O., Dudáš, M., Vacura, M., "Projekt PatOMat – automatické zpracování návrhových vzorů v ontologických modelech [PatOMat project – Automation of Ontology Pattern Detection and Exploitation]", Znalosti 2012. Mikulov 14.10.2012 – 16.10.2012, Praha: Matfyzpress, pp. 113-116. [bibtex]
  10. Svátek, V., Vacura, M., Homola, M., Kl'uka, J., "Towards Conceptual Structure Verification of Linked Data Vocabularies", Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies. Smolenice 22.11.2012 – 23.11.2012., Bratislava: Nakladateľstvo STU. [bibtex]
  11. Svátek, V., Berka, P., Nemrava, J., Petrák, J., Praks, P., Vacura, M., Izquierdo, E., Stewart, C., "The K-Space Network of Excellence: on the Way to 'Semantic' Multimedia", Znalosti 2008. Bratislava 13.02.2008 – 15.02.2008, Bratislava: Nakladateľstvo STU, pp. 421–425. [bibtex]
  12. Vacura, M., Svátek, V., "Pattern-Based Representation and Propagation of Provenance Metadata in Ontologies", Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Knowledge Patterns (EKAW 2008). Acitrezza 29.09.2008 – 03.10.2008, pp. 66-68. [bibtex]
  13. Vacura, M., Troncy, R., "Towards a simplifications of COMM-based multimedia annotations", In Eschenbach, C., Gruninger, M., Eds., Formal Ontology in Information Systems. Saarbrucken 31.10.2008 – 03.11.2008, Saarbrucken: DFKI, pp. 67–72. [bibtex]
  14. Vacura, M., Vymazalová, H., "Využití metod znalostního inženýrství při analýze parametrů z pohřebišť staroegypských úředníků [Using Methods of Knowledge Engineering for the Analysis of the Material from Cementeries of the Ancient Egyptian Officials]", Znalosti 2008. Bratislava 13.02.2008 – 15.02.2008, Bratislava: Nakladateľstvo STU, pp. 383–386. [bibtex]
  15. Svátek, V., Vacura, M., "Ontologické inženýrství [Ontological engineering]", DATAKON 2007, Brno: Masarykova univerzita, pp. 60-91. [bibtex]
  16. Svátek, V., Teije, A. T. and Vacura, M., "Web Service Composition for Deductive Web Mining: A Knowledge Modelling Approach", In Popelínský, L., Krátký, M., Eds., Znalosti 2005. Ostrava 09.02.2005 – 11.02.2005, Ostrava: VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava, pp. 108-119. [bibtex]
  17. Svátek, V., Vacura, M., "Problem-Solving Models of Website Analysis", In King, I., Máray, T., Eds., Proceedings of the Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference - Posters, WWW 2003, Budapest, Hungary, May 20-24, 2003. [bibtex]
  18. Vacura, M., "Klasifikace WWW dokumentů na základě URL [Classification of WWW documents based on URL]", Znalosti 2003, Ostrava: VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava, pp. 398. [bibtex]
  19. Vacura, M., "Rozpoznávání obrazových informací na internetu [Recognition of visual information on the Internet]", Znalosti 2001, Praha: VŠE Praha, pp. 294. [bibtex]
Contributions to national conference proceedings
  1. Vacura, M., "Etické otázky provozu autonomních vozidel ve středoevropském kontextu [Ethical issues of the operation of autonomous vehicles in the Central European context]", Etika v 21. století. Sborník vybraných příspěvků z 2. ročníku mezinárodní vědecké konference, České Budějovice: Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Ekonomická fakulta, 2022, pp. 84-90. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
  2. Vacura, M., "Hugo Grotius a zákony války [Hugo Grotius and laws of war]", In Babka, O., Krist, J., Eds., Válka v ekonomicko-filosofických souvislostech, Praha: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, Nakladatelství Oeconomia, 2022, pp. 91-100. [bibtex]
  3. Vacura, M., "Informační etika a Internet [Information ethic and Internet]", Sborník prací účastníků vědeckého semináře doktorandského studia Fakulty informatiky a statistiky VŠE v Praze, Praha: VŠE Praha, 2000, pp. 102-110. [bibtex]
Other editorial work
  1. Klyuev, V., Mozgovoy, M., Borgo, S., Budzynska, K., Carrara, M., Cybulka, J., Dobrynin, V., Goczyla, K., Haralambous, Y., Homenda, W., Jin, Q., Kaczmarek, J., Kakkonen, T., Kulicki, P., Lai, C., Leonelli, S., Ludwig, S., Martinek, J., Mirenkov, N., Morshed, A., Nalepa, G., Palma, R., Piasecki, M., Pyshkin, E., Reformat, M., Shtykh, R., Soldatova, L., Suárez De Figueroa Baonza, M., Tadeusiewicz, T., Trypuz, R., Vacura, M., Vargiu, E., Vazhenin, A., Wang, H., Wu, S., Zadrozny, S., Lawrynowicz, A., Eds., Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Advances in Semantic Information Retrieval, 2013. [bibtex]
Lecture notes
  1. Vlček, M., Vacura, M., Úvod do filosofie společnosti a dějin. [Introduction to Philosophy of Society and History], 2 ed. Praha: Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2014. [bibtex]
  2. Vlček, M., Vacura, M., Úvod do filosofie společnosti a dějin. [Introduction to Philosophy of Society and History], 1 ed. Praha: Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2011. [bibtex]
  3. Vlček, M., Kunca, T. and Vacura, M., Úvod do filosofie – vybrané texty [Introduction to Philosophy – Selected Texts], Praha: Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2009. [bibtex]
  4. Vlček, M., Vacura, M., Vybrané texty z politické filosofie. [Political Philosophy – Selected Texts]. 2. díl., 2 ed. Praha: Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2009. [bibtex]
  5. Vlček, M., Vacura, M., Vybrané texty z politické filosofie. [Political Philosophy – Selected Texts]. 1. díl., 2 ed. Praha: Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2008. [bibtex]
  6. Vlček, M., Vacura, M., Vybrané texty z politické filosofie. [Political Philosophy – Selected Texts]. 2. díl., 1 ed. Praha: Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2007. [bibtex]
  7. Kunca, T., Vacura, M., Empirismus a analytická filosofie [Empiricism and Analytical Philosophy], Praha: Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2006. [bibtex]
  8. Vlček, M., Vacura, M., Vybrané texty z politické filosofie. [Political Philosophy – Selected Texts]. 1. díl., 1 ed. Praha: Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2006. [bibtex]
Research reports
  1. Svátek, V., Zamazal, O., Serra, S., Vacura, M., "Ontological Annotation of Vocabularies and its Impact on Mapping Discovery and Verification. LOD2 D4.4a Deliverable."[Technical Report], VŠE Praha: Praha, 2013. [bibtex]
  2. Svátek, V., Homola, M., Kľuka, J., Vacura, M., "Ontological Distinctions for Linked Data Vocabularies."[Technical Report], FMFI, Comenius University: Bratislava, Technical Reports in Informatics, no. TR-2013-039, 2012. [bibtex]
  3. Vacura, M., "Pornografie na Internetu", In Sklenák, V., Ed., Data, informace, znalosti [Technical report], 2003, pp. 67. [bibtex]
  4. Svátek, V., Kosek, J. and Vacura, M., "Ontology Engineering for Multiway Acquisition of Web Metadata"[Technical Report], VŠE Praha: Praha, LISP-2002-1. [bibtex]
  5. Vacura, M., "Multiway Approach to Content Recognition on Internet"[Technical Report], VŠE Praha: Praha, LISP-2002-2. [bibtex]
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